Thursday, February 19, 2009

To Find Truth

I don't know your thoughts on matters of the Spirit. I, myself, don't look for an invisible giver of life, and say, "Prove to me, your existence! Prove it right this minute!

I take a different path to find Truth. I watch all of nature. I also watch the rhythm of life: the earth's movement around the sun to bring our seasons, the turning of the planet for day and for night, the rhythm of waves moving forward and falling back, the feeling of seasons within myself, a growing time, and a "holding on time".

I am amazed at the arrival of robins around March 1st, and the arrival of earthworms, as well. (My adult grandson Stephen, as a young child, and Kelly, an older child, for several years, confirmed in early March, the arrival of worms atop the soil.)

Three creations I observe are trees, dandelions in my yard, in abundance, and my rhododendron bush that is outside my front window.

Over the years, I have watched those outdoor lives and their activity. I watch how each life reacts to weather, and to the seasons. So many lives come from a seed that no human person has had to open.

A dandelion beside a barn, may grow three feet high. and in a lawn, a dandelion will flower just above the grass, and between mowings. A dandelion seed landed once in a dish garden that I brought inside.

When the dandelion's season arrived in the outdoors, the new season's arrival woke seeds under ground and the one in my dish garden, too! Dandelions bloomed outdoors and inside my house..

Inner guidance for a time to grow, comes to outdoor life and to us indoor (and outdoor) folk, too. As lives outdoors, we are given thoughts, and ideas or action to take to meet challenge that comes..

I don't know whether dandelions or trees know the joy of seeing sunrise or sunset, or see the jewels of dew on the morning grass (that predict a clear day ahead) .

Nature's children, however, surely know how to flower and that is the expectation for us, as well.

We don't have to ask for thoughts to meet the demands of our day. Thoughts flow to us as freely as water down a hill.

People will often say, "It just dawned on me to do thus and so." The dawning that we all experience is spiritual. Dawning, hope, and joy cannot be made of anything material.

Those experiences of wonder, even amidst storms, bring me peace in my days and into my life.
Marylee Manson Armour
February 15, 2009

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